Get started

We accelerate the way companies are born and grow.

We are committed to making company incorporation and modification processes increasingly efficient in Switzerland.

This is why we created the first Swiss online platform that fully digitises the incorporation process and modifications in the commercial register. With Hoop, creating or modifying a company becomes significantly faster and simpler than traditional methods, offering fiduciaries and legal professionals substantial optimisation of their workflows.

Our work demands legal expertise, precision, and exceptional quality, guaranteed by a dynamic and highly qualified team. We operate exactly where our clients are: in Switzerland. Thanks to strategic partnerships and Swiss-made technological solutions, we ensure processes that are efficient, secure, and reliable.

Our values.


Be fast or be last. Speed, responsiveness and agility are key factors for a company's success in today's dynamic business market. At Hoop, we offer the fastest company incorporation and mutation services in Switzerland.


Staying fast requires continuous innovation. We develop, study and exploit the latest technological innovations to offer ever more streamlined and efficient services.


Our customers trust us with their private data and information, and we repay that trust with professionalism, partnership, transparency, and long-term reliability.


The digitalisation of company incorporations and changes in the commercial register requires specific organisational skills and solutions. At Hoop we rely on a team of highly skilled professionals and make use of advanced document management solutions.

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